Fun and learning with the R language for programming and statistics. It’s a bonus if you find any of it useful and/or amusing. All views belong to us.
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Matt Dray
Personal site | Twitter | Github
I like using R to learn and teach, particularly if it involves important pop-culture references like Pokémon and Dawson’s Creek. I’m a datapoint influencer in the UK’s public sector and have a PhD in watching leaves rot (Cardiff) and an Entomology MSc (Imperial). I’m not the rapper.
Adriana De Palma
Twitter | | Google Scholar | NHM
I’m a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Natural History Museum, London. I have a PhD in Ecology and an MRes in Entomology from Imperial College London, and a BSc in Biology from the University of Sussex.
In terms of my research, I am particularly interested in using large scale ecological datasets to answer policy relevant questions. I work on the PREDICTS project with Andy Purvis, looking at how biodiversity responds over time to land-use change and related pressures. My more general interests lie with science policy, statistics and weird and wonderful invertebrates (my favourite being Collembola – the beautiful springtails).
- Find the blog’s source code on on GitHub
- Generated with Yihui Xie’s {blogdown}, an implementation of the Hugo static-site generator
- The base theme is Hugo Lithium by Jonathan Rutheiser and modified for {blogdown} by Yihui Xie
- Read about our modifications to the theme’s post headers and fonts
- The site is deployed continuously with Netlify
- Site visits are counted using GoatCounter by Martin Tournoij (read about our switch from Google Analytics).
- A ‘rostrum’ is the mouthparts of insects in the order Hemiptera (true bugs) and also a speaker’s platform (yes, it’s an excellent pun)
- This blog was originally a Wordpress blog that is now defunct